Key takeaways

The revision of the Insurance Supervision Act (ISA) includes new provisions regarding the restructuring framework for insurance companies. Most recently on 3 May 2021, the draft ISA proposed by the government in October 2020 took a first hurdle in parliament. As one of two parliament chambers, the National Council (Nationalrat) discussed and adopted, among other changes, a new set of rules regarding the restructuring of insurance companies that are in financial distress.


At the press conference of Friday, 20 March 2020, the Federal Council informed on an additional package of measures to cushion the economic consequences of the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

In order to remedy liquidity bottlenecks that continue to exist despite short-time working compensation at companies affected by the forced closure and demand shortages, the Federal Council announced additional support measures.

In addition to:


In der Pressekonferenz von Freitag, 20. März 2020, informierte der Bundesrat über ein zusätzliches Massnahmenpaket zur Abfederung der wirtschaftlichen Folgen der Ausbreitung des Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Zur Abhilfe von Liquiditätsengpässen, die trotz Kurzarbeitsentschädigung bei von der Schliessung sowie von Nachfragerückgängen betroffenen Unternehmen weiterhin bestehen, hat der Bundesrat heute zusätzliche Unterstützungsmassnahmen beschlossen.

So soll nebst:
